10 September 2009


Well, I decided to begin on the light side, yet not fluffy light.  Are you are like me?  Music is a big part of my life.  Particularly, I look to music to help me worship The Lord, individually and with the church at large.  I also rely on music to give expression to where I am, what I am feeling in relation to the Lord right now. At times I feel in awe of God, so I'll sing Hymns like "How Great Thou Art".  Often I feel especially grateful at what HE suffered to redeem me. At such a time "When I Survey the Wonderous Cross" may be the song of the day.
Hymns are a Christian Church universal language.  But do we KNOW where the writers were from?
They seem to rhyme words of free grace without works. Augustus Toplady wrote in "Rock of  Ages
Not the labors of my hands
can fulfill thy laws demands.
Could my zeal no respite know,
could my tears forever flow,
All for sin could not atone,
Thou must save
and Thou alone.
Augustus Toplady was probably reformed (read 5 point Calvinist).  Does that make this song anathema?
I also listen to, (worship with) "Christian Rock"(gasp!).  If a song proclaims "I love you so much Lord, I'll never fail you"  I get nauseous and turn off the radio.  If The song is by "Phillips, Craig and Dean" and I know it, I change the station or turn it off: they are "oneness" they deny the Trinity.
I love Third Day: their songs about Peter's denial, and the Thief on the cross really touch me.
They have a compelling rock anthem called "Believe".  the chorus:
Always Looking for a sign
miracles won't change your mind
tell me how much evidence you need.
Turning truth into a lie
hardened heart and blinded eyes
all you need to do is just believe.

Casting Crowns has a song I recently discovered called "who am I?". I surveyed the song because those three words say it all. Who says that believing in JESUS is a work and if salvific would be works righteousness? I say who am I that the Creator-Redeemer should even glance my way, knowing who I am.  Casting Crowns puts it this way:  "Not because of who I am, but because of what You've done.  Not because of what I've done, but because of who you are...."
So if Casting Crowns is not Free Grace as expressed in my Blog front, does that make their music anathema?  I sure hope not. 
What do you do for worship music and that the Holy Spirit may minister to your soul?

Peace and Love In Jesus Christ,
